Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Not So Glamorous But Someone Has To Do It

oooo the life of a SAH mommy you must think. Sit around all day, watch tv, catch up on the news, and throw your feet up and relax. WRONG!!! Could not be farther from the truth!! Little man is 5 1/2 months old and still has not mastered or even come close to mastering sleeping through the night. He has slept about a handful of times about 6 hours straight but normally he is up every 2-4 hours and lately his new wide awake wake up time is around 4:30am (before my husband even needs to be awake and out the door for work). So that is when my new day starts!! I am not a morning person (very very far from it). So, naturally i beg and pled with my 5 1/2 month old to please please please just go back to sleep for just a few more hours. His response, giggles and smiles. So, my day begins!!

 4:30am: Feed and change little man
 4:45am: Playing downstairs on the floor
 5:30am: Hubby leaves for work
 5:45am: Crankiness of being up so early starts with little man
 6:00am: Start load of diapers 6:15am: Another feeding and diaper change
 7:00am: (when he would normally wake up) Wants to go to sleep and starts dozing off
 7:15am: Just kidding mommy I AM AWAKE!!
 7:20am: Change cycle on washer
 7:30am: Happily playing in his bouncer

 Maybe i can get some breakfast for myself now?  NEGATIVE!! I get out of eye sight and the melt down begins. I guess i will wait till morning nap (when ever that time will be now) to try to get some food. So much for our nice daily schedule, that's seem to gone out the window!!  I wonder when nap time will be!!

 8:00am: Another feeding and diaper change
 8:35am: Breakfast for the mama FINALLY!!
 9:05am: Diaper laundry almost done, baby POOPS!! 

Still no nap but baby is pretty happy and not super cranky.

9:30am: Vacuum the floor to settle the cranky man baby down
9:40am: Yet again another feeding
10:05am: Little man finally gives in to a nap
10:15am: Switch diaper laundry to dryer, wipe down kitchen counters and load dishwasher
10:20am: Start an episode of lost
10:33am: Diapers need more time in the dryer and baby man wakes up
10:35am: Another diaper change and i think maybe i can finish my episode of lost

Little man does not want to be awake from his nap and is super cranky no such luck on restarting lost.  Maybe some play time and mama loving and he will be ok!!

10:52am: Melt down time because he is still sleepy and didn't nap long enough
11:03am: Back to sleep after rocking but can't set him down he wants to sleep in mama's arms

Resume episode of lost seeings how i can't get any more house work done or put away diapers that are dry.

11:23am: Finally finished my episode of lost and little man is still a sweaty ball of sleeping in my arms
11:41am: Sneeze and wake up baby time for feeding and diaper change
12:05pm: Little man is happy and playing on the floor maybe i can get the diaper laundry put away
12:35pm: Melt down from little man, needs mama loving
12:50pm: Baby happy finally have diaper laundry put away and Daddy comes home!!
1:20pm: Daddy showering, diaper change and another feeding

Is today over yet!?!?! Mama could sure use a nap thats for sure :)